The act of accessing one’s credit report has quickly become a popular endeavor for millions across the country — particularly the millennial generation. One’s three-digit score is a numerical reflection on one’s ability to pay off accrued debts. Depending upon the score, one may have an easier — or more difficult — time at garnering loans, purchasing property, or any major type of expenditure down the line.
With that said, there are multiple consumer credit report services explicitly tasked with helping people wade through these tricky waters. Five of the top-notch credit reporting services include TransUnion, FreeCreditReport.com, IdentityForce, Credit Sesame, and Experian.
Credit Sesame is widely regarded as one of the better credit service companies in the United States. Upon signing up with a free membership, interested parties are elated to learn that they’re given the perks of a payment plan. Users are able to access monthly score updates, credit scores, credit monitoring, and identity theft protection (with up to $50,000 in insurance). There are premium packages beginning at $9.95 a month. These include additional benefits such as daily score updates from a major credit bureau and monitoring from three major bureaus. Though a new kid on the proverbial block, Credit Sesame has excellent customer service ratings across the board.
FreeCreditReport.com is the giant within the industry. A highly popular choice, the company presents an effective and efficient way in seeking out financial support. Within the 7-day free trial, customers gain access to valuable tips from the company. These are geared towards making smart purchases — as well as indications as to how one’s credit score may fluctuate positively or negatively. The support system within FreeCreditReport is phenomenal. Identity theft alerts and analytic tools are offered to the disposal of the customer. Duly, the mobile app can alert the user of any credit changes. This includes customer support throughout the entire seven-day week.
The Ireland-based company Experian excels when it comes to the protection against fraud and identity theft. A significant emphasis is placed upon guaranteeing the safety (and well-being) of all customers. While safety is imperative for Experian, members of the company work tirelessly to provide customers with effective credit management principles. A 30-day period of credit reports and FICO scores also come free. For a young person wrapped up in debt, this aspect is a major boon. From there, prices range anywhere from $9.99 to $19.99 a month. Like FreeCreditReport, Experian has a very effective smartphone app.
Identity Force and TransUnion each present themselves as viable options within the world of consumer credit reports. Identity Force — a company based in Massachusetts — is rooted in supreme customer interaction. It’s been the recipient of many awards revolving around customer service and identity protection. TransUnion is highly rated to the point that it houses over 1 billion customers worldwide. The fraud monitoring skills within TransUnion are top-notch. Additionally, visual aides are provided to customers with the idea of further educating them on their own specific credit factors (for fluctuating scores).
Accessing a credit score — and dealing with it in a positive manner may seem daunting. However, there are a plethora of services dedicated to providing customers with the utmost in professionalism and effectiveness.
Image Source: Edmunds