Macular Degeneration is a condition in which many people all around the world begin losing their eyesight after the age of 60. According to some reports, roughly 11 million people in the United States currently are living with Macular Degeneration. Some estimates approximate that the number could double within the next 25 years. In other words, this is a serious impairment — which unfortunately can be irreversible.
This piece will talk about what Macular Degeneration specifically is — along with the different types (dry, wet). Additionally, we will look at warning signs for the condition, as well as potential treatment plans.
Warning Signs
There are a number of warning signs which could lead to one having Macular Degeneration. Interestingly enough, one isn’t really a warning sign — but rather a signal to go and get your eyes checked. Once you hit 50 years of age, it’s highly suggested to get a very thorough eye exam every 2-4 years. As you get older, the chances increase that one’s eyesight could suffer. Doctors can thoroughly check the patient as a means to see whether there could be some early signs of MD.
Additionally, two others involve blurred vision and a pronounced dark spot in the center of one’s vision. This could include shadows of sorts. If experiencing either of these, it’d be best to get your eyes checked.
Different Types
The wet form of Macular Degeneration is somewhat rare. One study approximates that only 10-percent of people with MD suffer from this specific type. However, it’s also the far more serious one. This is considered to be the advanced version of MD — where potentially 90-percent of cases result in legal blindness.
A precursor to the wet form is the dry form (which is more common). Normally, the dry form will have to progress rather rapidly to turn into the wet version. Tests will be done to gauge the level of dry or wetness in one’s eye.
There are some medications which doctors have prescribed when it comes to early cases of dry MD. Essentially, these are aimed at slowing the process down/trying to prevent the person from developing wet MD.
In terms of ways to try and reduce the risks, doctors suggest a healthy diet, habitual exercise, low blood pressure, and no smoking.
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